A Local Healthcare Leader

Physicians Health Plan (PHP) partnered with PHPBRAND physicians to create PHPBRAND to better serve people with Medicare in our community. We listened and learned from the experiences of Medicare patients just like you. Based on what we learned, we have created two exciting plans that are designed to not only provide you more benefits and savings, but also a better overall healthcare experience.

Service the Way it Should Be

With PHPBRAND , you will receive great customer service. If you ever have an issue or question, your call will be promptly answered by one of our friendly and knowledgeable representatives right here in the Midwest. There are no complicated phone trees to navigate, and you’ll never be endlessly transferred around just to get an answer.

Supporting You and Your Doctors

The PHPBRAND provider network includes many of the area’s doctors and hospitals. These providers share our commitment to delivering high-quality care and personal and attentive service. As a PHPBRAND member, you have access to our network of more than 16,000 providers and nearly 50 hospitals statewide.

Interested in Learning More About a PHPBRAND Plan?

Talk with a Licensed
Medicare Agent
Discuss your options with a licensed PHPBRAND Medicare agent.
Attend a FREE
Medicare seminar
Learn more about PHPBRAND plans at one of our FREE Medicare seminars.
View Seminar Schedule
Go to a
Walk-In Center
Visit a walk-in center to receive answers to your Medicare Advantage questions.
Visit a Walk-In Center
Schedule a
Personal Consultation
Get all your questions answered in a one-on-one appointment with a local, licensed Medicare agent.
Request an Appointment