
Is dental included?

Unlock your radiant smile with a PHPSHORTBRAND plan!

Unlike Original Medicare, our plans cover everything from comprehensive oral exams and periodic evaluations to routine cleanings and fluoride treatments.

Experience the freedom to choose from the nation's largest dental network, Delta Dental® to give you access to thousands of in-network dentists. For a complete list of dental professionals or to find a specific dentist, explore our convenient Dental Directory.

View our Digital Dental Directory

To request a hard copy of the Directory, please contact Delta Dental's customer service department at 1-800-330-2732 (TTY users call 711), 8:00am – 8:00pm, Monday – Friday.

Don't miss out on the joy of a healthy, beautiful smile - choose PHPSHORTBRAND for the dental benefits you deserve.

If you are a current member and need assistance locating an in-network dentist or want more details about your dental benefits, please contact Customer Service at 844-529-3757 (TTY:711)*.

If you are considering purchasing a PHPBRAND plan and want to know more about the dental benefits, please call 555-555-5555 (TTY: 711) *

Get Started!
See the plans available to you:

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